Life and Wellness Coaching

Now accepting clients for Life Coaching services

A Life Coach is a professional who encourages and counsels ‘clients on a range of personal and professional issues. Life coaching is distinct from giving advice, consulting, mentoring, and administering psychotherapy. A Life Coach may be hired to assist those with specific professional goals, transitions and identifying personal/professional blocks that are holding them back from achieving their happiness and success.

The creative partnership between the life coach and their client seeks to:

  • Identify, clarify, and create a vision for what the client wants.
  • Use the coach’s expertise to modify goals as needed.
  • Encourage the client’s self-awareness and growth.
  • Nurture and evoke strategies and a plan of action based on what fits best with the client’s goals, personality, and lifestyle.
  • Foster client accountability to increase productivity.

One of the best things that life coaches do is to equip you with methods and tactics that will help you make the right decisions for yourself and your future. They walk you through these processes regarding whatever you are working towards, and eventually, you will start developing that problem-solving mindset that they are working on with you. This mindset will start to work its way into your everyday life and change how you make decisions on a daily basis because it simply makes sense.

Our coaching services do not include diagnosing psychological or medical conditions. Diagnosing and treatment for psychological and/or medical conditions is for trained mental health and medical professionals and not for a Life and Wellness Coach.

I look forward to working together with you on your journey and helping you reach your full potential. I am currently accepting life coaching clients in my Wyandotte, Michigan office. Evening and weekend appointments may be available. Thank you for reaching out to me.

– Dale Rogalski, MA, CHt
Certified Life and Wellness Coach

Psychotherapy vs Life Coaching

The Complete Guide to Life Coaching

Life Coach vs. Health Coach

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness

Inner Peace Behavioral Health coaches specializes in helping  individuals, couples and families and offers comprehensive services dealing with the following barriers:

Life and Wellness Coaching Info and Disclaimer


100 Maple Street Suite 120,
Wyandotte, MI 48192

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